
Nasheman Meaning | नशेमन

Tinkon ke nasheman tak, is mod se jaate hain...

Can you guess the meaning of Nasheman from this much-heard line from Aandhi? Well, Nasheman means a nest. In Hindi, Ghosla. That also explains why it's tinkon ke nasheman tak (till the nest made from straws)

The word is often used to signify 'home' in Urdu poetry. In fact it's one of the names a lot of people choose for their houses.


  1. Thanks Harshit!
    I heard this word in the song 'iss mod se jaate hain' from Aandhi and waswondering what it means...

  2. Thanks...............
    I too saw a house named nasheman.......

  3. It is said that when RD Burman was composing the tune for this song, he asked Gulzar, the lyricist, " Yeh Nasheman kis chidiya ka naam hai?" He had also never heard of this word before!

  4. It may also be pronounced as Nesheman, which also means a place of sitting,a sitter or a residence.
