
Kambakht Meaning

Kambakht is an Urdu word which comes from the root Bakht. Bakht means Good luck or good fortune and hence kam-bakht means someone with less good fortune, literally someone unfortunate, wretched.

Though the word actually means wretched, it's many times used as a slang/swearword without much caring for the meaning and hence a common notion is that kambakht means someone who is bad as s/he does wrong.


  1. Nice Blog...Post more Urdu Words Keep it up :)

  2. Yep, u know i tried to look up some urdu words and their meanings in english, most of the urdu dictionary were useless, i came across ur blog via google and found the meanings of the words i was looking for, so thankyou, ur doing a great job and keep up the good work.

  3. who needs english definitions of urdu words? if u r a pakistani u shouldnt need it ... ud rather have a lughat ... P.S dats an urdu dic...

  4. Great job dude (y)
    keep it up (y) love your blog :)
