
Taabeer/ Tabeer Meaning

Taabeer or Tabeer is an Urdu word which is kind of unique with no exact translation in Hindi or English. Tabeer means the interpretation or meaning of a dream.

The word especially comes into picture because many cultures and/or people believe that dreams have meanings and hence they try to interpret them, and find their meaning. Hence the need for the word.

In fact in Indian subcontinent, this is a belief among some that the dreams dreamed during the morning hours turn out to be true. Though that's more of a saying than a belief.

Shafqat Amanat Ali's debut album was also called Tabeer. It came out in 2008.


  1. I have been searching for the meaning of "taabeer" in online Urdu-English dictionaries but could not even find a match though I used different spellings. Then I tried google.

    I think I got the exact meaning of the ghazal "Ahy mohabath tere anjam pe rona aya .... Khul gayee aank to, taabeer pe rona aya...."
