
Kamli Meaning

Kamli is a Punjabi word which means mad, crazy.

Ni main kamli kamli is a song of Dhoom 3, and the phrase means nothing but 'I've gone crazy, crazy.'

This seems to be the item number which could be compared to earlier crazy kiya re from Dhoom series. Getting crazy is part of Dhoom it seems, and this time they're doing it all in Punjabi, be it Malang [meaning] or kamli.

Full Translation of the song's Promo Version can be found HERE.


  1. Can you please translate the Kamli song promo? I am English and I am really confused of its meanings. Thanks.

  2. I am english, and I was wondering when will you post the translations for the Kamli song promo video? That would be very much appreciated.

  3. strong voice........ grt song, grt lyriks

  4. Mansi u ; outstanding song
