Baby Doll Main Sone Di: Baby Doll Lyrics Translation [Sunny Leone]

Movie: Ragini MMS 2
Music: Meet Brothers, Anjjan
Lyrics: Kumaar
Singers: Meet Bros, Anjjan, Kanika Kapoor, Kunal Avanti

Sone sone patole lakhaan
Sone sone patole yeah...
Ae takdiyaan rehndiyaan aankhaan
Ae takdiyaan rehndiyaan..

There are hundreds of thousands of beautiful girls,
So many beautiful girls,
These eyes keep watching,
They keep watching..

Yo soniyo, she put up a show
Unless I’m impress, Baby I gotta go
I won’t mind tell you that I take you floor
But tonight no bites
Cause the wife will know

[Soniyo = O beautiful]

Sone sone patole lakkhan
Ae takdiyaan rehndiyaan ankhaan

Main ki dassaan apni ve
Ae chan karda hai tareefa
Ho mere husn de kone.. kone kone di
Ho kone kone di..
O Baby doll mai sone di
O Baby doll main sone di

What do I tell about myself,
this world keeps praising -
every nook and corner of my beauty..
of my every nook and corner..
I am a golden baby doll..
I am a golden baby doll..

ye duniya, ye duniya pittal di
ye duniya pittal di..
Ho babydoll main sone di..

This is a world of brass,
and I am a baby doll of gold..

Gore gore pairaan vich
Nachdi nu pain hove
Laawa Zandu balm soniye.. yeah!
Nach nach thak jaangi
Baanh vich meri aaj
Kar le aaram soniye soniye..

When you dance, there must be pain
in your white feet,
I'll get you Zandu balm, O beautiful.
Dancing, you'll be tired,
Come, rest in my arms today, O beautiful.

Chamka chamka meriyaan
Main cham cham karke chamka
Laava Zandu Balm ji nachde
Nachde paijan damkaan

My brightness shines,
I shine with shining. [cham-cham is a way to describe shining, glittering. Shining as such is called chamakna.]
Get me Zandu balm,
while dancing, my anklets shine..

Mere hi charche
Meriyaan hi gallaan
Jag sara karda ni baar baar ve

My discussions,
my talks alone,
this world is keeping on doing repeatedly..

ye duniya, ye duniya pittal di
Ho baby doll main sone di..

Hirni wargi chaal meri te
Naagin wargiyan guttaan
Mainu vekh ke lang diyaan
Ae saawan diya ruttan

My walk is like a deer,
and my hair are like some snake..
[a female deer and a female snake she talks about]
When you look at me,
it looks like the season of rains..

Khul jaavan sadke
Chum lende vadh ke
Main taan sharmavaan haay baar baar ve

I'll open (rain like a cloud)
if you come ahead and kiss me,
I feel shy, again and again..

ye duniya, ye duniya pittal di
Ho baby doll main sone di..


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

What is the meaning of

ye duniya, ye duniya pittal di

Pital as in hindi or some thing else

Anonymous said...

Yeah it means pital (brass)..

arvind sen said...

It means brass....!!

Anonymous said...

Pittal in punjabi or peetal in hindi means the same i.e. Metal copper/brass :)

People of UPES said...

PG sir rocks!!

Unknown said...

Peetal is brass in Hindi

Anonymous said...

Super sexy sunny with a sexy song..i luv it

Anonymous said...

Thanks. Helps to appreciate the song better ��

Nishant Neeraj said...

Great job. Apart from one line "Nachde paijan damkaan". In UP, 'dhamakna' is also used to describe pangs... so, contextually, it seems that it should be, "Bring Zandu balm, my feet pang". Just saying.

Unknown said...

awesome lyrics

Anonymous said...

mere he charche...awesome sng by kanika kapoor

Anonymous said...

addicted to this song, just a great tune. love from malaysia ♡

Unknown said...

She is saying that the other girls are like Pittal n she is like Gold,
Pittal is used as metaphor

yo said...

Brass peetal...

Anonymous said...

Duniya pittal di
It has deep meaning
Pittal(coper) its look like gold
Be original Dont be a fake
Show love not fake it and cheat

rahul sharma said...

nyc song......
n i really like i dnt got d meaning of ye duniya pital di

Anonymous said...

Ye dunya pittal di
She means the remaining world is of brass or metal and I am a golden baby doll............... She thinks herself unique from world

Anonymous said...

Nice song I didnt get meaning of zandu balm

Anonymous said...

Nice song

Unknown said...

Chocho pital do titu gold da.

Ankit said...

Amazing ! I was so looking for the meaning and words, as I like to sing along.
Thanks a lot !! :)

Unknown said...

Very nice!

Preeti Singh, Bhavnagar said...

"Really Very nice n beautiful song and Sunny really looking so beautiful... :) <3

ithunhunt said...

Ye duniya pittal di mean this world is fake.and people are not actually as they looks..lot of showoff is there..i think this is the best quote to describe this world

SK said...

The song is very pleasing to ears and so the meaning of it as well. Thanks for Translation it for people like me who want to know the the meaning apart from the beats and tunes.

Anonymous said...

Thank u

Preeti said...

thanks for the translation...literal and figurative....I liked the "world is fake, and I am original" theme the for sunny leone.

Anonymous said...

nyc song......
n i really like i dnt got d meaning of ye duniya pital di.

The song is very pleasing to ears and so the meaning of it as doll song lyrics Thanks for Translation it for people like me who want to know the the meaning apart from the beats and tunes.

Anonymous said...

Wow sunny kudos. I love punjabi song.

Anonymous said...

Hey... just checking.

Anonymous said...

Actually,what Kanika Kapoor says is that the lyrics have been influenced by Sufi music.Yeh duniya pittal di,main baby doll nu sone di means that the world is made of brass(which is similar to gold) and she is a doll made out of gold(which is pure).

Unknown said...

The song has a beautiful meaning..........

ye duniya, ye duniya pittal di
Ho baby doll main sone di..

Pittal(Brass) changes colour but sone (Gold) does not....

Likewise, ye duniya (The World) changes but the baby doll does not.

qweroiuasdflkj said...
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qweroiuasdflkj said...
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Unknown said...

Yeah brass

Anonymous said...

very cheap song1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What does paijaan mean.

Anonymous said...

Paijaan means anklets. Other hindi word is paayal.

Anonymous said...

is this punjabi song or mixing of some other language

Anonymous said...

Nice- comment by the best Saborni Das

Anonymous said...

This song is disgusting! If someone actually thinks that this is beautiful they clearly believe that women should be subjected to judgment based on appearance. This is really what is wrong with the film industry, where songs are given praise and are not censored when they give out a degrading message. Women are not baby dolls they are actual HUMANS!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

sunny she even made me fap this morning

Anonymous said...

Very nice song!

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